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Dove House Academy

Our School

At Dove House we believe that we can make a difference to the lives of every pupil within the school.  As a special academy we also believe that the provision we make for our children should be higher than that which they would receive if they were in a mainstream setting.  Broadly the school caters for children whose learning difficulties are significantly greater than the majority of children of their age.  The school is for children who have moderate learning difficulties, many of whom are on the autistic spectrum. 

Ready, Respectful & Safe

Dove House Academy is committed to creating an environment where a high standard of behaviour is at the heart of productive learning. Everyone is expected to work towards the highest standards of personal conduct, to accept responsibility for their behaviour and encourage others to do the same. As members of our school community, we adhere to the values of being: ‘Ready, Respectful and Safe.’ Our children’s chances of success and happiness in life, here and in the future, depend considerably upon their ability to make responsible choices. To assist in fostering maturity in our students, we have developed a whole-school approach to behaviour, centred upon positive reinforcement and praise for children making the right choices. Our policy is based on the work of Paul Dix and his book ‘When the adults change, everything changes’; recognising that a clear structure of predictable outcomes has the best impact on behaviour. Good behaviour is recognised sincerely rather than just rewarded. Children are praised publicly and reminded in private. The school has 3 simple rules ‘Ready, Respectful, Safe’ which can be applied to a variety of situations and are taught and modelled by all members of staff. By displaying behaviours linked to these three rules, we will create a safe and positive learning environment which leads to a culture of excellence and success.