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Dove House Academy

Foundation Learning

The Life Skills aspect of the Foundation Pathway offers a flexible and diverse curriculum which focuses heavily on skills and learning for the real world, helping pupils gain vital life skills whilst studying a vast range of subjects. The Foundation learning curriculum builds functional skills which pupils can then apply to their own experiences and improve independence. The Foundation Learning curriculum will include areas such as Art, Food Hygiene, Money Skills, Using Public Transport, Personal Hygiene, Enterprise, Shopping, Health and Safety, Road Safety, Gardening Skills, Independent Living and many more.

Foundation Learning will be accredited using set units of work at Entry Level and maintains a curriculum designed and specifically geared towards, hands on experiential learning involving lots of visits and practical activities.  At the end of the course learners are awarded with nationally recognised QCF accreditation.

Pupils will be supported in building confidence, communication skills and self-awareness through the practical activities and tasks.  All activities are carefully differentiated to offer challenge to each learner,  backwards chaining is used to help learners extend their independence skills in small manageable steps, with the view to prepare them for life after school.