In Drama the aim is to enable pupils to work collaboratively, with an awareness of self and others, using Drama skills and theatre practice to broaden their experiences.
This will include using and reinforcing EPIC skills as per the school focus, opportunities to express themselves as a whole group and in smaller groups, explore presenting ideas to others (small, large and whole class groupings) and using theatre practice as a tool to achieve.
The Performing Arts curriculum is designed to expose pupils to a range of topics and creative approaches. This allows different areas of interest as well as developing pupil’s knowledge of the Arts. Lessons are designed to allow pupils to develop their skills in both Dance and Drama but also their ability to work independently and cohesively with other pupils.
All pupils through KS3 and KS4 are expected to perform; this is a structured and supported event which allows pupils to move out of their comfort zone and provides a good opportunity to build confidence and resilience, providing a sense of pride and achievement.
At KS4 pupils are encouraged to develop their understanding of Drama and their level of knowledge is deepened at BTEC Performing Arts at Level 1. They are challenged to provide work with greater detail and the level of independence is increased. Pupils are also guided so that they are able to more formalise their understanding in written and discussion work the BTEC allows for units to be chosen that best suit the needs and ability of the pupils in order to stretch and challenge.